Ascension of the Heart with Archangels Uriel & Gabriel
In August in my monthly group TAG Lightworkers, the theme is Ascension of the Heart with Archangels Uriel & Gabriel. Each month, a team of Light Beings comes to help us connect, manifest and heal with them, on our Ascension Journey. Here is the shared Masterclass with 13 Questions and Channeled Answers.

Why have Archangels Uriel and Gabriel come this month? How do they help?
Archangels Gabriel and Uriel invite you this month to deeply attune with them, so they can fully attune and connect the 3D Heart Chakra to 4D High Heart Chakra to 5D Causal Chakra for completing ascended Self-Love and beginning the ascended alignment of Causal Chakra. This is the bridge to seeing yourself in your true magnificent form— as you truly are. This is the next phase of ascension, and is achievable through self-love.
Archangel Uriel comes this month to teach us that he helps with problem-solving, relationships, organizing the mind to help build your time smarter, and for releasing addictions. He brings in Christ Light from the Path of the Sun to connect us with Source and is always near for any soul who asks for help.
Archangel Gabriel comes this month to teach us that he helps with communication, releasing denser thoughts and feelings, heart-to-heart connections for 5D Communities, and higher-dimensional love. Gabriel brings in his Diamond Light of Purification to uplift you to higher dimensions.
They are here to help us with our Causal chakra, 4D High Heart Chakra and 3rd dimensional Heart Chakra to line them up for the next steps of Ascension.
The fifth dimensional Causal Chakra needs to line up with the other chakras in Ascension. Although it may not line all the way with your other chakras this month, it will be prepared to line up more closely or perhaps will line up completely.

13 Q&A for Archangels Uriel and Gabriel
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #1. Do you originate from the same place as other Archangels and where is that?
Archangel Uriel: Archangels originate from Source. We are a part of Source. We come from source. We have always been Archangels. We have been Archangels since the beginning of time.
Archangel Gabriel: Yes, we originate all from the same place which is Source or Source energy. We are a part of Source. We are the bridge from Source to all beings. We are the helpers. We are the parts of Source that help all.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #2. Where do you both exist now?
Archangel Uriel: We will speak in the frequency dimension which you as third dimensional beings categorize. As your planet ascends and other places ascend there are more dimensions building. While we have been known to be in the 13th dimension we now show you that frequency dimension 14-18 are opening as the universe expands and we are always at the highest dimension.
Rachel: If you are in TAG Beginners, or TAG Lightworkers, or have ever taken my Angel Fire course then you know that angel fire is a healing light that we can use that comes from angels. Archangels have a really strong angel fire light. They all have a specific one that they use and we can use them ourselves for protection and shielding.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #3. Tell us about your Angel Fire Light Modality and what it does, and how can we use it?
Archangel Uriel: My angel fire light is a golden light from the central sun— which you may also call Source— if you wish. This is a light that can help you transcend all situations and thoughts. This is a light that carries light codes which can make the bridge between the light and the changing of a 3D body. When you are releasing situations and thoughts, this is a good light to use to release lower frequency blocks and thoughts— and anything keeping you from doing your best or having the best outcome. Any situation in which you want the highest vibrational outcome, you may use this light to help you get there.
My other light is the ruby red light.
Though you may think of many Archangels as male, we do not have a gender. My ruby red light brings in the balance of feminine and masculine— which is needed to line up the Causal Chakra. It works also as a gentle light to balance out the Source light to bring over all balance.
This is what you need. The balance of your work life, the balance of much in your life. This light also helps you bring in nature. You must remember that you are a biological being and your biological being needs nature and earth and outside— sun, moon, grass and trees. This is very important and must not be forgotten. This ruby red light can help you remember that. It can help you balance. This is very important for you to remember.
Archangel Gabriel: My angel fire light is the diamond white light of purification. You may use it also to transmute lower energies to higher. Use it to clear your chakras. Use it to bring you to the heart of a situation. Use it for clarity, for clearing, and for transmutation. It is a very powerful light to help you release lower energies in all places. It works well with Uriel’s light as a balance.
Use all lights together. That is why we have come this month— to blend our lights with you for a complete balance— to help you ascend with this next step that has to do with self love. Self love is achieved by releasing lower vibrational thoughts and lower vibrational judgements of the self, stories and untruths that need to be released.
You may use my diamond white light to purify these beliefs, to release them from the body to help you come to a state of pure self love which is necessary. You are a part of Source. You are part of this great light. You are a human being with a soul that is of great importance. All souls come from Source and all souls are a part of Source.
Therefore you must release all of these lower vibrational thoughts, feelings and judgements to shine your great light onto the world.

Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #4. What is your existence like? What kind of tasks do you perform?
Archangel Uriel: An existence as an Archangel means that we are able to work with all beings at all times. We can work with you specifically in every minute of the day— and yet still work with every being in this vast universe— and all universes in every minute of their day. That is how Archangels work and so our “daily tasks” —though we are outside of time— are vast to help all.
For me, I help those who work with their biology. On earth your biology, which I mentioned, includes nature. I work with all nature spirits on your planet and I work with Earth. I work with this here on Earth; but I also work with similar energies on other places, portals, planes and planets. Here on Earth you will associate me with Earth, earthly energies and helping you remember your biology. The sun, the moon, the Earth and nature— you must spend time in these biological forces that your body needs for great health and joy.
Archangel Rachel: I just want you all to know that this is the second time that I recorded this message (first time didn’t record correctly). Last time that I recorded this question, he also talked about foods and vegetables, because he wants us to take care of our body with earthly foods. He didn’t mention it this time, but I thought it was important that I did.
Archangel Gabriel: I am known as the Archangel with the communication horn for I help greatly with communication. What I do specifically is help you deliver a message that pertains to the heart of the situation. It may not even be one that you know. I help you to deliver these messages to others. You may call on me to do so and I help you come to the heart of all problems to transform them. I help you to get to the root with my diamond light. So my daily tasks are tasks of discernment with all beings, to help you find your way to the next level by releasing whatever it is that is in your way.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #5. Do you work with Ley Lines or other energies of Earth?
Archangel Uriel: I shine my golden light from the central sun to all ley lines— to bring in this source light energy and this helps transform the Earth.
Archangel Gabriel: I do not specifically work with the ley lines on Earth, but what I do does affect the ley lines. Only it is not a task of mine, but my energies do affect it so: yes and no.

Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #6. Do you work with other beings besides humans? Do you work with elementals or other beings?
Archangel Uriel: We help all beings. All beings are part of our tasks. Every being in every place. I work with elementals, yes. Even though they vibrate much higher than earthly beings, they call on us to help them and we work together often.
Archangel Gabriel: I work with all beings in all places much like Uriel has said. On your planet specifically I work a lot with water. You will associate me with water in the west corner. I work with many water beings and water in general for emotional clearing. I also work with dragons. I have my white diamond dragons with me always and I send them to you all. You may call on them any time.

Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #7. Why have you come together this month?
Archangel Uriel: Our lights balance each other out. My lights are about bringing balance already, with different divine masculine and divine feminine source light. Balancing all that is in your life. And Gabriel does also work with balance in different ways. His diamond light is the cooler side and balances the hot sun or ruby light. This is the best that I can describe it because the ruby red light does also bring balance.
All three of our lights together will help you this month balance your life and help you come to a better understanding about where you are in this life— so that you can truly release all judgement and love yourself completely— because there is no other way to Ascension.
Archangel Gabriel: We both work on the heart of the matter; on coming to the problem. You may say that we are both problem solvers and the way that we do that is by releasing all smoke and mirrors, you may say. All that seems to be the problem but is only an effect of the problem. Coming to the deepest part-coming to the part that is causing the problem.
This of course will then need shadow work. You all do your shadow work to come to the next level.
This is how all human life works. Facing your problems, finding the root, clearing it, accepting it and moving on. This is how we will help you with self love this month.
If you would like to hear the next 6 questions answered, watch the Masterclass at the top of this blogpost! Thank you for reading along. To receive the attunement to these two Archangels, and their healing and light as they have given us in this month’s TAG Lightworkers, click below to join and to see what else is included!
Ascension of the Heart with Archangels Uriel & Gabriel
In August in my monthly group TAG Lightworkers, the theme is Ascension of the Heart with Archangels Uriel & Gabriel. Each month, a team of Light Beings comes to help us connect, manifest and heal with them, on our Ascension Journey. Here is the shared Masterclass with 13 Questions and Channeled Answers.

Why have Archangels Uriel and Gabriel come this month? How do they help?
Archangels Gabriel and Uriel invite you this month to deeply attune with them, so they can fully attune and connect the 3D Heart Chakra to 4D High Heart Chakra to 5D Causal Chakra for completing ascended Self-Love and beginning the ascended alignment of Causal Chakra. This is the bridge to seeing yourself in your true magnificent form— as you truly are. This is the next phase of ascension, and is achievable through self-love.
Archangel Uriel comes this month to teach us that he helps with problem-solving, relationships, organizing the mind to help build your time smarter, and for releasing addictions. He brings in Christ Light from the Path of the Sun to connect us with Source and is always near for any soul who asks for help.
Archangel Gabriel comes this month to teach us that he helps with communication, releasing denser thoughts and feelings, heart-to-heart connections for 5D Communities, and higher-dimensional love. Gabriel brings in his Diamond Light of Purification to uplift you to higher dimensions.
They are here to help us with our Causal chakra, 4D High Heart Chakra and 3rd dimensional Heart Chakra to line them up for the next steps of Ascension.
The fifth dimensional Causal Chakra needs to line up with the other chakras in Ascension. Although it may not line all the way with your other chakras this month, it will be prepared to line up more closely or perhaps will line up completely.

13 Q&A for Archangels Uriel and Gabriel
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #1. Do you originate from the same place as other Archangels and where is that?
Archangel Uriel: Archangels originate from Source. We are a part of Source. We come from source. We have always been Archangels. We have been Archangels since the beginning of time.
Archangel Gabriel: Yes, we originate all from the same place which is Source or Source energy. We are a part of Source. We are the bridge from Source to all beings. We are the helpers. We are the parts of Source that help all.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #2. Where do you both exist now?
Archangel Uriel: We will speak in the frequency dimension which you as third dimensional beings categorize. As your planet ascends and other places ascend there are more dimensions building. While we have been known to be in the 13th dimension we now show you that frequency dimension 14-18 are opening as the universe expands and we are always at the highest dimension.
Rachel: If you are in TAG Beginners, or TAG Lightworkers, or have ever taken my Angel Fire course then you know that angel fire is a healing light that we can use that comes from angels. Archangels have a really strong angel fire light. They all have a specific one that they use and we can use them ourselves for protection and shielding.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #3. Tell us about your Angel Fire Light Modality and what it does, and how can we use it?
Archangel Uriel: My angel fire light is a golden light from the central sun— which you may also call Source— if you wish. This is a light that can help you transcend all situations and thoughts. This is a light that carries light codes which can make the bridge between the light and the changing of a 3D body. When you are releasing situations and thoughts, this is a good light to use to release lower frequency blocks and thoughts— and anything keeping you from doing your best or having the best outcome. Any situation in which you want the highest vibrational outcome, you may use this light to help you get there.
My other light is the ruby red light.
Though you may think of many Archangels as male, we do not have a gender. My ruby red light brings in the balance of feminine and masculine— which is needed to line up the Causal Chakra. It works also as a gentle light to balance out the Source light to bring over all balance.
This is what you need. The balance of your work life, the balance of much in your life. This light also helps you bring in nature. You must remember that you are a biological being and your biological being needs nature and earth and outside— sun, moon, grass and trees. This is very important and must not be forgotten. This ruby red light can help you remember that. It can help you balance. This is very important for you to remember.
Archangel Gabriel: My light is the diamond white light of purification. You may use it also to transmute lower energies to higher. Use it to clear your chakras. Use it to bring you to the heart of a situation. Use it for clarity, for clearing, and for transmutation. It is a very powerful light to help you release lower energies in all places. It works well with Uriel’s light as a balance.
Use all lights together. That is why we have come this month— to blend our lights with you for a complete balance— to help you ascend with this next step that has to do with self love. Self love is achieved by releasing lower vibrational thoughts and lower vibrational judgements of the self, stories and untruths that need to be released.
You may use my diamond white light to purify these beliefs, to release them from the body to help you come to a state of pure self love which is necessary. You are a part of Source. You are part of this great light. You are a human being with a soul that is of great importance. All souls come from Source and all souls are a part of Source.
Therefore you must release all of these lower vibrational thoughts, feelings and judgements to shine your great light onto the world.

Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #4. What is your existence like? What kind of tasks do you perform?
Archangel Uriel: An existence as an Archangel means that we are able to work with all beings at all times. We can work with you specifically in every minute of the day— and yet still work with every being in this vast universe— and all universes in every minute of their day. That is how Archangels work and so our “daily tasks” —though we are outside of time— are vast to help all.
For me, I help those who work with their biology. On earth your biology, which I mentioned, includes nature. I work with all nature spirits on your planet and I work with Earth. I work with this here on Earth; but I also work with similar energies on other places, portals, planes and planets. Here on Earth you will associate me with Earth, earthly energies and helping you remember your biology. The sun, the moon, the Earth and nature— you must spend time in these biological forces that your body needs for great health and joy.
Archangel Rachel: I just want you all to know that this is the second time that I recorded this message (first time didn’t record correctly). Last time that I recorded this question, he also talked about foods and vegetables, because he wants us to take care of our body with earthly foods. He didn’t mention it this time, but I thought it was important that I did.
Archangel Gabriel: I am known as the Archangel with the communication horn for I help greatly with communication. What I do specifically is help you deliver a message that pertains to the heart of the situation. It may not even be one that you know. I help you to deliver these messages to others. You may call on me to do so and I help you come to the heart of all problems to transform them. I help you to get to the root with my diamond light. So my daily tasks are tasks of discernment with all beings, to help you find your way to the next level by releasing whatever it is that is in your way.
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #5. Do you work with Ley Lines or other energies of Earth?
Archangel Uriel: I shine my golden light from the central sun to all ley lines— to bring in this source light energy and this helps transform the Earth.
Archangel Gabriel: I do not specifically work with the ley lines on Earth, but what I do does affect the ley lines. Only it is not a task of mine, but my energies do affect it so: yes and no.

Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #6. Do you work with other beings besides humans? Do you work with elementals or other beings?
Archangel Uriel: We help all beings. All beings are part of our tasks. Every being in every place. I work with elementals, yes. Even though they vibrate much higher than earthly beings, they call on us to help them and we work together often.
Archangel Gabriel: I work with all beings in all places much like Uriel has said. On your planet specifically I work a lot with water. You will associate me with water in the west corner. I work with many water beings and water in general for emotional clearing. I also work with dragons. I have my white diamond dragons with me always and I send them to you all. You may call on them any time.

Archangels Uriel and Gabriel Question #7. Why have you come together this month?
Archangel Uriel: Our lights balance each other out. My lights are about bringing balance already, with different divine masculine and divine feminine source light. Balancing all that is in your life. And Gabriel does also work with balance in different ways. His diamond light is the cooler side and balances the hot sun or ruby light. This is the best that I can describe it because the ruby red light does also bring balance.
All three of our lights together will help you this month balance your life and help you come to a better understanding about where you are in this life— so that you can truly release all judgement and love yourself completely— because there is no other way to Ascension.
Archangel Gabriel: We both work on the heart of the matter; on coming to the problem. You may say that we are both problem solvers and the way that we do that is by releasing all smoke and mirrors, you may say. All that seems to be the problem but is only an effect of the problem. Coming to the deepest part-coming to the part that is causing the problem.
This of course will then need shadow work. You all do your shadow work to come to the next level.
This is how all human life works. Facing your problems, finding the root, clearing it, accepting it and moving on. This is how we will help you with self love this month.
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If you would like to hear the next 6 questions answered, watch the Masterclass at the top of this blogpost! Thank you for reading along. To receive the attunement to these two Archangels, and their healing and light as they have given us in this month’s TAG Lightworkers, click below to join and to see what else is included!
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🌟 You are experiencing Ascension Symptoms and would like to get help and healing from Spirit Guides and Helpers who are there to help you assimilate all the new energies constantly coming in.
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🌟 You wish to speak and connect with all types of Beings, like: Illumined Masters, Archangels, Galacticals, and Elementals for healing yourself and others.
🌟 You want a better understanding of WHY you came into this human life.
🌟 You want to open your Psychic Clairs even more, and continue to UPLevel with a Soul Group.
🌟 You struggle with shadow work, empath boundaries, protection, or abundance and want to learn how to spiritually overcome these issues to live your best life.
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