Sound Waves Heal

Rachel Chamness
Healing Parental and Religious Wounds

Healing Parental and Religious Wounds

Healing Parental and Religious Wounds

It’s now time to heal parental wounds… It is amazing how many people are talking to me about healing their issues with their parents, and how much I see the topic being talked about all over the web!!

A Message from Archangel Ariel, My Master Teacher Guide

A Message from Archangel Ariel, My Master Teacher Guide

Archangel Ariel gave this message in my 1st Level Trance Channel Course on March 24th. Ariel is my Master Teacher. She also shows another human side of her, who is Ruth (Biblical).

But this channel is from Ariel in her Angel form.

I come to you now to tell you all
that a great day is coming
when your concerns of the earth will be over
and we will rejoice together.
In the coming of the new earth,
the meeting with Gaia
and the transition of your world
to a new vibrational height
where illusions and evil do not exist.
This is coming sooner than you think for
it will roll out in several stages
You have started the first stage…

Channeled Messages of Hope in Transformational Times

Channeled Messages of Hope in Transformational Times

My Level 1 Trance Channel Mediumship students and I channeled messages from our Guides about the current global crisis in this video.

Most of our Guides saw hard times ahead; we should be prepared. But we were also being shown beautiful changes to the way that humans live.

A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love

A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love

Up to this point, I’ve been consistently getting the message that we are clearing up the last bit of what we need to work on for our Soul’s Purpose right now. It’s going to be a good time to work on ourselves and to spend time with our families.

Even if you and or someone in your family gets sick, you have to remember to stay in love, not fear.

That is the big question/lesson for us in this current crisis: Can we choose to stay in love and not succumb to fear?

I am a Pleiadian Starseed and I will be channeling a group of Pleiadians that often guides me to answer some of the questions we have about the COVID-19 Pandemic and the aftermath of the quarantines, the economic crisis.

What is Ascension? What is the 5th Dimension?

What is Ascension? What is the 5th Dimension?

Have you ever wondered what it means when people talk about Ascension and the change from 3D to 5D living, or the 5th Dimension?

In this video and blog post, I’ll explain what these concepts—Ascension and 5D—mean and why it’s important for you to know your Spiritual Life Purpose.

Claircognizance, Mediumship, & Dragons

Claircognizance, Mediumship, & Dragons

What is Claircognizance? This Clair is the psychic knowing Clair. It’s when you just know something—deep inside you—and you don’t know why you know it, but you know you do.

One common theme among people with Claircognizance is that we can always tell if someone is telling the truth or lying.

This is my strongest Clair. It was the least threatening or scary Clairs of mine when I was a child, so I never tried turning it off. I remember vividly that I always knew whether a person was home to answer the phone by the first ring with incredible accuracy. This was back in the 70s before people had answering machines!

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are you Ready to be a Channel Medium?
One of the most frequent questions I get when people are interested in taking the Trance Channel Mediumship class is, “Am I ready to learn Trance Channel Mediumship?”.

If you know that you are ready for channeling and trance channeling, you can find the next sign up here!

But if you are not sure if you are ready for trance channeling yet, read on (or watch the video) …

Basically, if you are called to take the class and if you get information when you do guided meditations -like being able to interact with beings in any way to receive messages, then you are ready to take the class! That is it!

What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

Last week in Advanced Trance 2 Class, we worked with Elementals on Clairsentience and what it means for a Medium. For 6 weeks in this intensive class, we bring forward a different being to be trance channeled each week. The list includes Elementals, Galactic, Angelic, and more. Each being helps us in some way, and the Elementals we trance channeled (let them speak messages through us) last week brought a lot forward about clairsentience and what it means for Mediums. These beings also helped increase our clairsentience during the class.
What is Clairsentience? It is our Clair for feelings (emotions) or sensing things through feelings like a pain in your hand, tenseness in your stomach, etc. Clairsentient people may also be able to sense the presence of spirits.

No Reward Without Risk

No Reward Without Risk

No Reward Without Risk

When you chose this life on Earth as your Higher Self, you don’t usually choose an easy path. No, you choose a hard one—one that requires risk, trust in the unknown, and more. We chose drama, high stakes, big things!

So, when it comes to your Life Purpose, or what I call the Light Path, we must make some hard choices and big risks!

Here’s a good exercise that will make this idea clear: think about a time when something great happened to you. Now trace it back to how it happened… and you will likely come across a hard time in your life when you had to make some hard decisions or you faced some pretty tough times.