Knowing your Spirit Team helps guide you to your best life. Everyone is born with a team of spirit guides. Anyone can access their own personal guides and spirit team at any time. How? Just by knowing that you can (your welcome!) and learning the best way to communicate with your spirit team.
Sound Waves Heal Categories
Can Past Lives Affect You Now?
How do Past Lives affect you now? Step into Full Personal Sovereignty by releasing Slavery Past Lives such as labor, sex, love and magic. This will increase your financial abundance.
Stand In Your Power with Thoth, Atlantean Unicorns and Mahatma Energy
Powerful Light Masterclass with Thoth & Atlantean Unicorns & Mahatma EnergyJanuary TAG...
What is Inner Child Healing?
Have you ever heard of inner child healing? Or been told by a healer or psychic that you have some inner child healing work to do? Maybe you knew exactly what they were talking about or perhaps you weren’t sure. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of knowing or not knowing, it’s my goal to help you have a clearer understanding of inner child healing.
Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?
Can Fluoride Block Intuition & the Third Eye?
There can be a lot of controversy surrounding the subject of fluoride, but it is my personal belief that fluoride is dangerous and can negatively affect your health and the connection you have with your intuition and higher self. In this article, I help you have another perspective on the subject, that can ultimately lead you to having a stronger connection with your intuition and spirit team.
Are Multidimensional Healers Shamans?
Are Multidimensional Healers Shamans? by Rachel Chamness & Olivia Paige I have been a healer...
Masterclass Goddesses Brigid and Diana Sacred Portals and Astral Travel This month— in September TAG...