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Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are you Ready to be a Channel Medium?
One of the most frequent questions I get when people are interested in taking the Trance Channel Mediumship class is, “Am I ready to learn Trance Channel Mediumship?”.

If you know that you are ready for channeling and trance channeling, you can find the next sign up here!

But if you are not sure if you are ready for trance channeling yet, read on (or watch the video) …

Basically, if you are called to take the class and if you get information when you do guided meditations -like being able to interact with beings in any way to receive messages, then you are ready to take the class! That is it!

What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

Last week in Advanced Trance 2 Class, we worked with Elementals on Clairsentience and what it means for a Medium. For 6 weeks in this intensive class, we bring forward a different being to be trance channeled each week. The list includes Elementals, Galactic, Angelic, and more. Each being helps us in some way, and the Elementals we trance channeled (let them speak messages through us) last week brought a lot forward about clairsentience and what it means for Mediums. These beings also helped increase our clairsentience during the class.
What is Clairsentience? It is our Clair for feelings (emotions) or sensing things through feelings like a pain in your hand, tenseness in your stomach, etc. Clairsentient people may also be able to sense the presence of spirits.

An Introduction to Elemental Giants, in many forms

An Introduction to Elemental Giants, in many forms

An Introduction to Giants, in all of their forms

This month, I am channeling Giants for the TAG group. Giants are a diverse bunch of Elementals that includes everything from Trolls to the Balboans (aka Big Foot!). Would you like to know more about these often misunderstood creatures? Watch this video to find out more about giants, trolls, and other kinds of giants!

All about Blue Avians

All about Blue Avians

Today, I will be trance channeling Alaparabeam, the Blue Avian. Alaparabeam is one of my Daily Helpers and Spirit Guides. This Intergalactic Channeling Spree was actually HIS idea.

With Trance Channeling, I let the beings speak through me. This is actually something that I teach as well. (information at the bottom of the page)

Blue Avians resemble storks with blue feathers. They vibrate at a very high level or high dimension frequency.

Here is his message:
Hello and welcome.
Glad to see you here.
I know that if you are here,
you are interested in furthering your path
and readying yourself for Ascension.
This is the reason I have come to this planet…

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 1 – Gamu the Pleiadian Fairy

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 1 – Gamu the Pleiadian Fairy

Today, I am channeling Gamu, who is a Fairy from the Pleiadian Star System.

Gamu isn’t a little fairy, like the earth-bound fairies we normally channel. She’s tall and thin, more like the elves you see on the Lord Of The Rings. She has long black hair and big, transparent wings! She’s dressed in a long, flowing dress, she carries a sword with her as well!

She brings healing that will help you connect with your higher self, so you can better deal with the dense emotions and energies (especially all of the stress in the holiday season).

When she says, “Hold your hands…” she means palms up.

Gamu helps you connect with your Soul Star Chakra, which is above your head. Her sound healing vibrations will help to clear your energy and feel more connected with your true self on a higher level.

Listen to the video to get the sound healing I channeled.

Here is Gamu’s message for us: (redo)

I step forward with greetings.
I want you all to know that we regard you highly.
You have come to this heavy vibration of earth
to do great things.
Even just surviving this kind of heavy density …

Supercharge your Affirmations with Switchwords

Supercharge your Affirmations with Switchwords

What are Switchwords? Is that little negative voice in your head CANCELING your affirmations? I wanted to reach out to you today, in my newest Living Your Best Life Blogpost to give you an easier way to manifest your desires.

Affirmations… if you have been on a journey for self-improvement, you have probably heard of affirmations. For instance, looking in the mirror and saying a positive manifestation for your life… or using “The Secret”.. you have heard of this, but perhaps just saying affirmations until your brain believed you has worn you out! Perhaps you couldn’t figure out why it did not work…