Channeling Spirit: Normalizing the Way We Receive Messages from Spirit
What does it even mean – Channeling Spirit? This is the way your Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Source, and even your Higher Self communicate with you.
Since we may not know yet which spirit is communicating with us, we may use the word “Spirit” for all spirit communication or messages we receive.
Channeling Spirit is happening all the time, often right under our noses, but many of us don’t always notice it. And that’s totally okay! Spirit communicates with us in ways we don’t always expect or recognize right away. It’s so much more than just seeing a feather on the ground or hearing the occasional “knock” in the middle of the night.
It’s so much more than clairvoyance! It is a myth that you must see very clearly to receive messages from Spirit! We are channeling Spirit in so many ways, so often.

We’re All Channeling Spirit: It’s Natural
As a Shamanic Channel and Mentor, I help others access higher-dimensional wisdom and healing through my work. However, what I’ve come to realize is that we are all channeling Spirit in one way or another—even if we don’t always recognize it. Spirit guides are always with us, offering guidance, support, and signs. Whether you’re a healer, a lightworker, or simply someone going about your everyday life, you’re constantly receiving messages – yes, you are channeling Spirit.
And if you’re a healer, you might be receiving more information than you realize—not just for yourself, but for the clients you work with. Spirit Guides want you to hear the messages, and it’s vital to trust the information you receive and act upon it.
Let’s talk about some of the many ways Spirit reaches out, so we can start to normalize them and make them feel more familiar.
Flashes of Thoughts, Pictures, and Ideas
One of the most common ways Spirit communicates is through sudden flashes of thoughts or images that pop into your mind. These could be random ideas, pictures, or even symbols. Have you ever been talking to someone and suddenly you “see” a flash of something in your mind’s eye? Maybe a memory, a symbol, or even an image that feels significant? That’s often Spirit giving you a little nudge or guidance.
It could be a message for you, or it might even be something you need to pass on to someone else. The trick is not brushing these flashes off as just “random thoughts”—they’re often packed with meaning. If you notice something repeating or showing up frequently, take a moment to really tune into it and ask yourself what it’s trying to tell you.

Channeling Spirit Through Creativity
This is one of my favorite ways spirit speaks to us—through creativity! I truly believe that channeling Spirit isn’t just about sitting in stillness and receiving direct messages. It can happen through your creative work too! Writers and musicians often talk about how their work feels like it’s coming through them rather than from them. It’s like the ideas are flowing through their hands or voices, almost like they’re being guided by something greater.
If you’re an artist, musician, writer, or even a healer working with your hands, chances are you’re channeling messages in your work. You might not even notice it at first, but when you look back at what you’ve created, you may realize there’s a deeper meaning or a message embedded in it. When you get in that flow state, where things just come together easily and effortlessly—that’s Spirit working through you.
Signs and Symbols are Spirit Communication
Spirit loves to communicate with us through signs, symbols, and synchronicities. Sometimes, it’s a specific animal that keeps showing up in your life, like a butterfly or an owl, which could symbolize transformation or wisdom. Other times, it might be a recurring number, like 1111, which is often considered an angel number or a sign that your thoughts are aligned with your higher purpose.
I receive the number 144 all the time, which is a number that is associated with leading Lightworkers. It is Spirit communicating with me to remind me that I am on the right path to help others.
You may also receive words, phrases, or even entire sentences that seem to pop into your mind at just the right time. This is your mind channeling Spirit! These are not random thoughts. They are The Universe speaking to you, guiding you along your path. If you start to notice patterns or things that feel “coincidental,” don’t brush them off. Take a moment to reflect and ask what Spirit might be trying to tell you.

Clairalience, the Smelling Clair
Here’s a fun one—clairalience, or the ability to channel Spirit through smell! Have you ever smelled something that wasn’t physically there? Maybe it’s a specific perfume or scent that reminds you of a loved one, even though they’ve passed. Or maybe you catch the smell of something like a flower or incense when no one else can smell it. That’s often Spirit trying to get your attention.
I smell my grandmother’s old makeup powder when she visits me. It’s not a random smell; it’s a sign that she’s around, letting me know she’s watching over me. If you catch a whiff of something meaningful to you or your loved ones, take note. It might just be Spirit communication – your loved one saying, “I’m here with you.”
Hearing Messages, or Clairaudience
Many people experience clairaudience, which is the ability to channel Spirit through hearing. Have you ever heard a knock on the wall when no one is there? Or a doorbell ringing when nobody is at the door? Sometimes, people hear their names being called when there’s no one around. These subtle sounds are Spirit trying to get your attention.
Spirit often uses sounds like knocks, bells, or even music to let you know they’re there. If it’s comforting, it’s usually a sign from your guides or loved ones. If it feels unsettling, it could be your Spirit Team urging you to pay attention to your surroundings or your emotions. It could be a sign that your house needs a clearing too. Trust the feeling you get with it! If you aren’t communicating with your Spirit Guides yet, it is time to start so you can know the difference.
Empathy vs. Clairsentience
As an Empath, you might often feel what others are feeling emotionally. But did you know that there’s a subtle difference between being an empath and having clairsentience? While empathy involves picking up on emotions, clairsentience is more about sensing energy in your environment.
You might walk into a room and suddenly feel the energy shift, like sensing tension or peace without knowing why. Or, you might suddenly feel anxious, and then realize the person next to you is nervous. Learning to differentiate between your feelings and others’ feelings can help you manage energy better and avoid absorbing emotions that aren’t yours.
I believe it’s very important to turn your empathic senses into clairaudience empowerment. You do not need to be a slave to other people’s emotions sticking to your auric field.

Music and Other Unexpected Signs
Sometimes, Spirit communicates through sounds that are hard to explain—like music. Have you ever heard a song playing when no one else seems to hear it? Or maybe you hear a melody that feels significant, but you can’t quite place it? That can sometimes be music through another dimension, such as the fae dimension.
Spirit uses music to connect with us in the most beautiful ways. I’ve had moments where a certain song comes on at just the right time, and I know it’s a sign from my guides or loved ones.
Music can be a powerful channel for messages, especially if you feel connected to it emotionally or spiritually. If a particular song keeps popping up in your life, it’s worth paying attention to the lyrics. Sometimes, the messages you need to hear are hidden in the music.

Orbs and Other Visual Signs
Many people report seeing orbs, flashes of light, or unexplained phenomena, especially in photos. These aren’t just reflections, lens flare, or dust particles—they’re often signs that Spirit is present. I’ve had experiences where I’ve seen orbs or flashes of light appear in my photos, and every time, I feel the energy of my guides or loved ones communicating with me.
Seeing these visual signs is often a sign that Spirit is nearby and wants to connect. These moments can feel magical, and they’re a reminder that we are never alone. Our loved ones and guides are always with us, sending us little signs that they’re near.
Trusting Your Gut: Feeling Guided
One of the most powerful ways Spirit communicates is through your gut feeling. Ever walk into a room and instantly feel the energy shift? Or have you ever felt an intense “knowing” that something is right—or wrong—without having all the facts? That’s Spirit guiding you in the form of Claircognizance— psychic knowing. It’s that quiet, internal knowing that tells you what to do next, or what decision feels right.
This guidance can come in the form of an instinctual feeling or a subtle nudge, but the more you listen, the clearer the guidance becomes. Trusting your gut is one of the most reliable ways to stay aligned with Spirit’s messages.
Trusting Your Channeling Abilities
It’s essential to understand that everyone receives channeled information differently. It may come through visions, smells, sounds, or even a deep knowing. The key is to trust it. Once you start recognizing and trusting the messages you’re receiving, you open yourself up to more spiritual guidance. Your clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience abilities will expand as you begin to trust and act on the information Spirit provides.
As a healer or lightworker, these signs are not just for your own growth but can also be incredibly beneficial for your clients. If you receive a message or vision that you feel is relevant to someone else, trust that it’s being sent for a reason.

Wrapping It Up
So, there you have it! Spirit communicates with us in countless ways, and it’s all about learning to recognize and trust the signs. Whether it’s through flashes of insight, creative flow, smells, sounds, or that gut feeling—you are always being guided and supported.
The key is to open yourself up to receiving these messages and to trust that they are meaningful. Spirit is always with you, sending you little nudges along the way. The more you tune in, the more you’ll begin to notice just how often they’re trying to communicate with you. Your clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience abilities will expand as you begin to trust and act on the information spirit provides.
If you’re curious about your own spiritual gifts or want to dive deeper into understanding how to recognize your own messages from spirit, check out my free Spirit Guide Masterclass on my website. And, if you’re looking for a community of like-minded souls, come join us in my Facebook group 5D Daily Spiritual Healers in Higher Dimensions.
I’m so excited to hear about how YOU are receiving messages from Spirit! Keep listening, keep trusting, and know that you’re always supported.
Sending you all love, light, and guidance on your spiritual journey. ✨💖
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