How Ordinary People Heal in Extraordinary Ways with Trance Channeling

How to Channel Extraordinary Healing: Trance Channeling Beings of Light

Listen to the above podcast Episode 2 to hear me talk about healing with trance channeling in a short 18-minute episode! What follows is not a transcription, so I invite you to read it as well!

How Ordinary People Heal in Extraordinary Ways

Healing is not limited to physical or emotional recovery—it can be a deeply spiritual process. For many people, spiritual healing involves connecting to something greater. Whether it’s tapping into their psychic abilities, working with Reiki energy, or trance channeling healing or messages from light beings. 

Even ordinary people can achieve higher dimensionally charged healing! When they align themselves with these powerful Beings of Light with Light Language or Psychic Reiki Healing. Healers can even take it a step further— by trance channeling the healing from higher realms or higher beings of light. This will bring healing on an even greater scale. 

I Once Considered myself Ordinary. 

I was 44 years old when I found out that I had psychic abilities. Always I had thought I was just “a little psychic” but ordinary. One day in 2016, an incredible medium informed me that I was also a medium. I was astounded and thrilled. She encouraged me to study and open my senses.

I began with Reiki and Mediumship training and my psychic senses began to open. With these abilities, I started experiencing receiving messages and seeing and feeling through the veil of this 3D world. I continued my studies with a trance-channeling course.

After that 5-week trance channeling course, my spiritual world completely opened up. I began to communicate with my closest Spirit Guides daily. They brought me healing and information for myself and eventually for clients. My Spirit Guides helped me start and grow every step of my Sound Waves Heal career. They continue to help me every day to expand the lives of others who wish to do this light work.

Eventually, I went on to work with other Ascension Guides and helpers. These beings also allowed me to channel their light and healing to others to heal them. And with this work came teaching this technique. My Guides gave me techniques, courses, and classes.

I believe it is so important to share this knowledge. For no one is truly “ordinary”, though we may feel like we are. We are exceptional high light beings who are just having a 3D experience on Planet Earth!

We Are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience

As humans, we are much more than just physical beings. We are spiritual entities navigating a human journey. We are a spark of The Universe— released to learn more through this third-dimensional density reality. Some of us are just waking up to this realization! While others—like seasoned healers or spiritual entrepreneurs—have been practicing our spiritual gifts for years. This experience is not our whole life. We do not die after this life is over, we only transform back into our Spirit, our Higher Self.

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What it Really Means to Be Psychic

Many people hesitate when they hear the term “psychic,” often associating it with con artist fortune tellers. At its core, being psychic refers to our extra-sensory perception or “clairs”. These senses allow us to receive guidance from spirit guides, ancestors, higher beings, and light entities. Essentially the psychic medium acts as a channel, allowing these higher beings of light to work through them.

For those who practice healing, this connection to giving messages is crucial. When you heal someone, you are providing relief. But what if you could also channel information and messages from higher realms to empower your clients? Their Spirit Guides can bring through important information that can cut to the true root of the problem. In this way, the Client can continue working on their shadow work, increasing their healing exponentially.

By acting as a conduit for the light through trance channeling, you can bring forth these messages with healing. This allows for a deeper, more complete healing for your client. A channel can then bring forward actionable steps to help the client continue to clear the emotion at the root of their physical, emotional, or spiritual problems.

This is what I do when I use my modality, which I call Liquid Reiki Shamanic Healing. I am acting as a channel, allowing these powerful higher beings of light to work through me with trance-channeling healing. They bring through healing that was previously unknown to me, to deeply heal my client. 

I trance channel with my modality Liquid Reiki Shamanic Healing. This allows Beings of Light to use my voice, auric field, and body to guide universal light energy. The energy channels from Source, through me, to the person I’m working with. This is the Universal Spark of Light & Energy, channeled.

My field and auric body are attuned to Psychic Reiki Healing, Light Language, and many more modalities. These practices help guide the Light Being’s modalities as well through me to the client. Connecting to these higher vibrational Beings of Light and allowing that energy to flow through me in trance channeling healing is not only good for the client. Since it is flowing through me, it is healing me as well. 

It’s important to understand that this isn’t “my” power—it’s the light and energy from the higher beings. In fact, we should never deplete our own energy in healing others. That’s why modalities like Reiki Healing are so powerful. They teach us how to use energy straight from Source or the Reiki Ray (also from Source). This keeps us from exhausting our own physical and spiritual reserves. And when we are attuned to channeling healing through Reiki or even Light Language, we can take this ability further. When we add a higher vibrational step of trance-channeling healing, we can achieve extraordinary results of higher dimensional healing.

What Is Trance Channeling?

In my sessions, I often use trance channeling for healing and messages. This deeper form of channeling is where the being of light speaks or heals directly through me. This allows for an even more powerful connection to higher dimensional realms. I can release my own Ego from creeping into the channeled messages. Whether you’re a seasoned healer or just starting, you can learn how to connect to these realms and bring healing and messages for yourself and others.

In my Accelerated Channeling Mastery course, I guide students to advanced master levels by learning how to deeply access these realms. It’s a process that involves raising your vibration to meet the frequency of the higher beings. Once you do, the flow of healing, light codes, and messages becomes seamless.

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Working with Spirit Guides and Light Beings

This exceptional ability to channel light and healing from Guides or advanced beings of light is available to anyone. The process includes opening psychic senses, learning to raise vibrational frequency, and connecting with higher dimensions through clear trance channeling.

These beings provide vital information that guides the healing process, often revealing past lives, alternate timelines, or future potentials. Healing is more than a one-time event. It’s a collaborative effort, with the client’s higher self—working alongside the beings of light to support growth and transformation.

Are you curious about trance channeling or feel drawn to explore your spiritual gifts further? If so, I encourage you to learn to tap into these abilities with a trusted mentor. Be sure this mentor can guide you through all the processes of being a truly clear trance channel. 

Ordinary people can truly heal in extraordinary ways by opening themselves to the guidance and energy of the higher realms. 

You can embrace your Light Path, and watch as you bring profound transformation not only to your life— but to those you touch.

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Trance Channel Mediumship Courses with Sound Waves Heal

After teaching my Level 1 Trance Channel Mediumship Course for many years, I learned a great deal about my students. I now have extended it past just a 5 Class Course and program. This is because even though the Student may learn to trance-channel in the first class, there is more. The student may not quite have the skill to make it a confident daily habit. They will need more guidance and support.

Over 6 months, I now teach this course to anyone who would like to connect deeply to their main Spirit Guides. For those who want to receive messages and healing for themselves and others.

This trance channeling course also includes learning:

  • Relay Channeling (repeating the channel to others)
  • Channeled Writing
  • Downloading Symbols for Protection
  • Divination Techniques, and
  • Trance Channeled Healing.

Why do I teach this Trance Course for 6 Months!?

My students will open their senses with a complete program and likely trance channel in the first class. However, I teach this TAG Trance course over six months to make sure the student has deeply integrated this modality. When one begins this work, many doubts can creep up. To help my clients truly integrate trance channeling into their daily life, it is important to provide support, with the contact and practice of many Spirit Guides. We work on the 6 most important guides in this class.

Once deeply integrated, this ability to trance-channel your Spirit Guides can transform your life. In fact, I use this type of trance channeling every day. This ability helped me start and sustain my business which has been my joy since I started it in 2017. I use it for family life, for spiritual life, for ideas, for everything.

How many certifications have you paid for, and taken but you never use? I am determined this will not be one of those courses. This will change your life if you dedicate yourself to this program— which can be fit into any busy schedule.

Do you want to Learn to Trance Channel Beings of the Light to Give Messages to Others?

If you would like to take trance channeling further, to a more professional level, I would love to help. I teach many levels of Trance Channeling Mediumship to Master Level. This includes Psychic Reiki Healing, Advanced Light Language, Liquid Reiki Sound Healing, and Shamanic Trance Journey in a Full Mastermind Course. This is only for a few very dedicated souls each year.

In the Accelerated Channeling Mastery Program, we work together in 22 small live group Classes. There are also 8 Programs and 7 Certificates to earn. I add Healing & Business Coaching to set up your Business, with 1:1 sessions. The included 6 months of Internship is key. This is to solidify your ability to shine your light in Online Lives. These lives are with a safe and accepting audience of my own, where you can sell your sessions and courses. We go slowly through a process to make you feel comfortable. This program is for the very dedicated student. For those who would like to feel confident to have a full career as a Lightworker within the year.

Would you like to see if you qualify for either of these programs? Learn more in the buttons below. Do you feel too inexperienced for either program? I also have a program to get you ready at an accelerated pace with my TAG Lightworkers Group. I’d love to see you there!


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