The Artist Formerly Known As Prince brings a message of Ascension
Prince Channel from The Artist Formerly Known As Prince
In this video, I will be channeling a message from the Artist Formerly Known As Prince. He tells me he hails from the constellation in Orion and he has much to say about Ascension! This video also includes a channeled sound healing from him. This is for Gia’s Ascension & Musicians Live Channeling Series at Multidimensional Living with Gia.
Prince also gives a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channel, but you will have to watch the video above for that healing. It is for Connection to Ascension.
What is Liquid Reiki Sound Healing?
Liquid Reiki Sound Healing is channeled sound healing brought through a practitioner who is certified in Light Language, Reiki 2, and Master Trance Channel Mediumship by Sound Waves Heal. It is channeled Sound Healing which uses all these modalities to reach across any distance to bring you healing with light codes and sound. It is channeled through the practitioner from a High Vibrational Being, which could be a Galactical Star Being (like Prince), an Angel, an Elemental, or an Ascended Master.

Prince’s Channeled Message:
I am much pleased to step forward here and speak with you all through this channel. Thank you for coming. It is true, I did have a mission to bring forth healing for a new age. I was brave with my music and [the songs] are still helpful for bringing forth the change that is coming for Earth, that you know as Ascension and the Fifth Dimension.
I feel that my mission was successful and helped you all greatly. And it still can! You will find some pertinent messages within my lyrics still to this day, and I have left a prolific amount so that you may listen to any type that you wish. What you resonate with will be most helpful for you.
I do want to talk about 2021, and what life will be like for you. First, there are many, many paths. There are many paths to Ascension and there are many paths ahead. There are many timelines and not everyone will be traveling on the same timeline. This has been brought up many times before for this channel. But perhaps it is the first time that you have heard that you do not have to agree with anyone on exactly what is happening in this world, for even your dearest friend or companion may have a different timeline than you. Their truth and your truth may not be the same, and that is okay.
Also, there is no need to fear of losing anyone on your timeline, for it will not feel that way. It is hard to describe how it will feel. It’s hard to describe what you will understand and know, as you rise from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension.
Many of you go back and forth and even higher often but there will come a time when your body will reach a higher state and will meet where your mind is also. Then you will not come back to the Third Dimension anymore. This will take place over the next 10 years. It is not quick and there is much that is going to happen.
This involves a lot of personal self work. It is important. It is important for you to work on yourself, for that is how you will get there. There is no one who will step forward and do it for you. There is no one who will clear the way for every soul. You must do your own personal work. This is imperative that you understand.
I find all the beings on Earth fascinating. You have such strong will. You have such bravery to come into this life and work these paths which are full of heartbreak and pain. I know because I also did such a thing. Even now I am amazed that I was able to weather it.
Now I come to you from a higher position, a higher dimension and without the pain of the earthly life. And I can tell you that on the other side there is great relief. But you do not need to cross over to find it. You can find this great relief and joy in this life. And you must.
There are many of you that say, ‘I cannot wait for Ascension to come. I cannot wait for Ascension to be here.’ Yes, we understand that, but we must say that you have come here. You have come here for a reason and you must find joy here. It is your destiny to do so.
I bless you all and send such heartfelt appreciation for those who loved me and my music in This Time. I have a great affection for my earthly life and the successes, people I knew, loved, and all of you who appreciated what I was trying to do and appreciated my music.
I send you so much love, and I send you courage, and I give you my belief. I believe in you. I believe you will be successful.
For the Liquid Reiki Sound Healing, please listen to the video embedded above.
Prince brought through a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channeled message for you, to help you connect to Ascension more. If you are a beginner and have just started learning about Ascension, this will connect you to the idea of Ascension. If you are more advanced, this will help you connect more to Ascension.
Prince’s Spirit has come to me before!
I have heard all those things Prince talked about before. I’ve even channeled some of these same messages. Now I’m wondering if Prince was talking through me the other times when I channeled those messages. That can happen to a Medium without us actually realizing it!
I’ve seen Prince before in Spirit. He is one of the first celebrities I saw in Spirit. It took a while before I was able to open myself enough to hear him. When I put together Illumined Master Trance Channel Mediumship, Level 4 with Megan Heldens, we worked on connections to Human Spirits and Celebrities, and it helped me to hear him quite clearly after that.
The first time I saw Prince was in 2019 when I was still teaching voice.
Prince’s Spirit would continually come in and watch one student I taught, who was a pianist and singer and wrote Jazz music. I was hoping Prince would speak, but he did not—maybe because I wasn’t ready to hear him yet. Honestly, I was pretty GOBSMACKED to see him standing there the first time and of course, my student had no idea I was a Medium, so I was trying hard not to look!
Then in December 2020, Prince came to be tranced in a TAG Galactic Insights Live, where he gave us some GREAT 2021 info and told us he would come to my monthly group TAG in January when we got help from Orion Star Beings. It’s very exciting and thrilling to channel him!! In the channel written below, I sat on my chair hammock and channel-wrote his message for my newsletter for January, but I feel it is still relevant to many. Prince always gives me a song in my head to verify that the message is from him… right now it’s I would Die 4 U…

Prince Channel I channeled for a Newsletter in January
O(+> 👑
Orion — brightest stars in the sky. Where else would I hail from?
We gonna shake you this month
Get that body moving
Not all projects need to be started or finished RIGHT NOW.
Give some time for PLAY
For Relief
… and gratitude.
For connecting to the SUN
and the EARTH.
For feeling the new strains of music from this New Earth
…and learning to sway with it.
Sway, my friends.
What does it feel like to channel Prince??
Well WHOA! First off, he shows himself to me as SO TALL! As a human, he was only 5’3″! (He talks about that in the Orion Masterclass Video so I don’t want to give it away….). His energy makes me Shake, Rattle, and Roll! Seriously, his energy is intense! I feel shaky and excited when he comes in.
I really love his energy. I really love his affection for his earthly self, his fans, and all of you. His great love. It’s really an honor to bring him forward so I hope that you enjoyed it.
Want to hear more channels from Prince?
Check out the Orion Masterclass Video where he came through a few times to answer our 13 Questions about Orion. The Masterclasses are part of the four regular parts of TAG (along with many live sessions in our TAG VIP Facebook Group). The Orion Masterclass is available for free to view! I hope you enjoy it!