If you’re here, you’re a Seeker.
You’re on a Spiritual Path.
The books are falling off the shelves.
You keep seeing the same series of numbers
You keep waking up at the same time in the middle of the night.
In other words, your Spirit Guides are trying to get your attention.
Maybe you’ve been on this path for a while.
You’ve got the certifications.
You’re in the healing arts.
You’re deep into divination.
And you want to take it all a giant leap forward.
So here you are, seeking answers.

Welcome. I’m so glad you found us,
and I’ve got great news.
You don’t have to go looking for Source.
It’s been with you all along,
and all it wants is to be in communication with you.

TAG Lightworkers Membership
Imagine a place where you can:
Expand your ascension timeline.
Learn to speak with Higher Vibrations Beings of Light.
Open and deepen your Psychic Clairs.
Nurture your Healing Abilities.
Interact with all manner of Light Beings.
Be in community with an incredible Community of other Lightworkers.
…all in service to empowering you and furthering your path as a Keeper of the Light in this world.
Hi, I’m Rachel Chamness
I’m both honored and proud to have had the Transformation and Ascension Group (aka: TAG) channeled through me since 2018.
And while I marvel at the wonder of its growth and the many incredible results that have come from it for my clients, I also know why I have been charged with this work:
As a Shamanic Liquid Reiki Sound Healing Channel and a Business Mentor to fellow healers, I’m here to facilitate the collective ascension. I’m here to empower other Lightworkers with the tools and community they need for their ascension.
I teach you how to build a direct line to the Universe and all the ways it is trying to help you level up and change the world.
TAG is the center of that work.
It’s for you if you’re at the beginning of the journey.
AND it’s for you if you’re years down the road.
Got more questions? Let’s talk!
And find out if TAG is right for you!

The TAG Lightworkers Membership Includes:

Weekly Personal Healings and Messages, Live from Rachel Chamness and The TAG Team. Continuous Help in lives and videos to open and expand your psychic clairs to 5D.

Expand and Increase your Ascension and Lightworker Abilities.

Monthly Live Channeling Course to try or safely practice your channeling.

Almost daily events (healings, readings, channeling, meditations) from the TAG Team – a group of certified channel mediums who are also fellow members of TAG.

Fae Elemental Magick & Healing Modality: Fae Healing Certification + Attune to many Healing Modalities and Light Grids for Ascension.

Meaningful connections within our kindred-spirit community of Lightworkers of all levels where you can talk openly about your experiences, ask questions on your journey, and be met with loving support and accountability.

Connect with Rachel Chamness three times a month in live mentorship events. 20% off all personal sessions with Rachel Chamness, and more coupons and specials available.

Access to coupons for all Sound Waves Heal courses and products.
All of this…and I haven’t even mentioned the coolest part:
The TAG Lightworker Library
That’s a trove of ascension treasures
worth $50,000 in value and growing daily…
Can’t wait to dive in?
To find out if the TAG Lightworkers Membership
is the right place for you!

✨You’re a dedicated Lightworker with your own business (or the desire to start one!Â
✨You’re experiencing Ascension Symptoms and want help and healing to assimilate all the new energies constantly coming in.
✨You want to know what’s happening NOW on this Ascension path.
✨You want to share your journey with a kindred-spirit Community.
✨You long to improve yourself individually while being a part of a Soul Group that matches your energy.
✨You wish to speak and connect with all types of Beings for healing yourself and others, including Illumined Masters, Archangels, Deities, Galactics, and Elementals.
✨You’re asking the big questions like: WHY you came into this human life. HOW to live your Highest Timeline and most joyful life with purpose.
✨You’re here for the spiritual up-level – of your skills, your gifts, and your psychic clairs – and you want to do it with a group of kindred souls.
✨You want to live your best life, but you’re getting tripped up with shadow work, empath boundaries, protection, or abundance and want the spiritual tools to overcome these issues.
What will TAG do for me?
Expand your Psychic Senses
By actively participating in TAG, your psychic senses will expand, enhancing your ability to connect with your current guides and unlocking the multidimensional spirits waiting to help you.
Accelerate the development of your spiritual business
The upleveling in your intuitive abilities and constant mentorship in TAG will allow your business to expand, offering more in-depth guidance to your clients, and charging more for your intuitive and healing work.
Access higher-level information
Through all of the knowledge available to you in the video library and weekly healings, you can access tips, tools, and methods to help you through any circumstances you might face. You can also go to the private links, comments or TAG Facebook group to be in similar energy with your fellow lightworkers and receive individual help.
Experience higher level healing
TAG’s very purpose is to help you HEAL, navigate the dark night of soul periods, uplevel your chakras in higher dimensions and your access to higher realm healing and grids. Embrace your Light Path purpose, and experience the true joy of life… all by expanding your spiritual connection in the psychic realm.
Have more questions? Want to see if you’re really a fit?
To find out if the TAG Lightworkers Membership
is the right place for you!

Do your Light Path a favor.
TAG’s mission is to put all the tools for expansion in your hands.
Now all you have to do is reach out and grab them.
Get access to over $50k worth of learning and upleveling for $197/month.