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Tag Selected : Animal Totem
Animal Fae Elementals Masterclass

Animal Fae Elementals Masterclass

This month, animal helpers are stepping forward. These are Elementals who are also animals in our world. They’re going to tell us a little bit more about themselves and how they get to be here, and they’re going to help us anchor into the new Earth timeline.
So these are the five I’m talking to today. We have Pompuda who is a ladybug, Sansi which is a brown owl, a seahorse named Draken, a whale named Owkada, a spider named Flo and actually a Spinosaurus named Zimpf. Let’s talk a little bit about animals who are Elementals. Today, of course, we have our five. 
We have a lot of Arctic animals— those are mainly galactic, but also Elemental. So they do have a lot of crossover. Whales, for instance, are Galactical, and they’re also Elemental. And of course, it’s a fine line of what you want to call them one way or another, such as an octopus is really a Galactical being, so that won’t be included in this month, but we could include any of the beings from the Arctic who are also Elementals, like polar bears, penguins, narwhals, or any of those beings. 
Of course, we have whales, we have dolphins, and we’ve known about them for a long time. We also have dragonflies and rhinos, and there’s going to be more coming up as the TAG team, as we call it, the mediums who are part of TAG, come forth with more and more animals to come speak with us. 

Are Animals MultiDimensional Helpers? Animal Spirit Guides Masterclass

Are Animals MultiDimensional Helpers? Animal Spirit Guides Masterclass

This month in my TAG VIP Membership program, we are working with Animal Spirit Guides & Animal Totems who are helping us with ascension.

Every month starts with a masterclass, where I ask the group of beings 13 different questions related to who they are, where they come from, and how they help us (humans) with the ascension process. This time I switched up the Questions and added a few, since Animal Spirit Guides are quite a different group of beings than we are used to working with, in TAG!

I have to say that the Animal Spirit Guides and Animal Totem Guides were such an exciting group of beings to work with. I was THRILLED to channel a message from a Tyrannosaurus rex Animal Spirit Guide…

Spirit Totem Animals and Spirit Animals

Spirit Totem Animals and Spirit Animals

Have you been wondering what a spirit animal guide is versus an animal totem? In this article we will be exploring the differences.
Spirit animals and animal totems are terms that are often used interchangeably but they each ..