Powerful Light Masterclass with Thoth & Atlantean Unicorns & Mahatma EnergyJanuary TAG Masterclass: What is Mahatma...
Sound Waves Heal Tags
What is Inner Child Healing?
Have you ever heard of inner child healing? Or been told by a healer or psychic that you have some inner child healing work to do? Maybe you knew exactly what they were talking about or perhaps you weren’t sure. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of knowing or not knowing, it’s my goal to help you have a clearer understanding of inner child healing.
Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?
Can Fluoride Block Intuition & the Third Eye?
There can be a lot of controversy surrounding the subject of fluoride, but it is my personal belief that fluoride is dangerous and can negatively affect your health and the connection you have with your intuition and higher self. In this article, I help you have another perspective on the subject, that can ultimately lead you to having a stronger connection with your intuition and spirit team.
Are Multidimensional Healers Shamans?
Are Multidimensional Healers Shamans? by Rachel Chamness & Olivia Paige I have been a healer for many years and the more I...
How to Program Water for Manifestation
Why Programming Water Works.
Did you know that the Earth is 70% water? Our bodies are also 70% water! Have you ever wondered if there was a connection or reason for this? Water is the element of emotion, intuition, spiritual connections, flow, feminine energy, and it has the ability to cleanse our internal, external and energetic bodies.
The water on the planet and in our bodies connects us to the energies of the element of water. Water is life and every living thing has water in it. Water makes the Earth grow and can help humans stay healthy physically and energetically. Water helps connect us to one another and all living creatures on Earth…
What is a Spiritual Detox?
What is a Spiritual Detox?
The short answer is that a spiritual detox is the process of releasing mental, emotional, physical, and energetic blocks before, during, or after a healing session. The long answer is that a healing session can occur during the inner work you are doing on your own— or it can be done with the help of a Reiki Master, Shaman or other type of multidimensional healer (link Shaman article).
When the physical body releases thought patterns or blocks of energy in the body, it must reassemble itself— so to speak— so that it can function without those blocks. That means that the body has learned how to cope with the block or pattern by creating an illness, dis-ease, mental and emotional strain. Now that this illness, dis-ease or strain has been removed, the body now has to figure out how to function or flow without that block there.
Transformation and Ascension for Lightworkers
Transformation and Ascension. If you are here on my page reading this article about Transformation and Ascension—whether you know it or not— You are a Lightworker! What is a Lightworker? A Lightworker is someone who is helping the planet and other people raise their vibration and consciousness and who supports a peaceful, loving and compassionate planet and way of living.
Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass
This month, we are talking to the Blue Avians. The Blue Avians are talking to us about the 6th Dimensional Light Grid they’ve put around the planet to help us. This will help us by giving us a huge kickback of light that will help us connect with each other. Free Preview..