A Psychic Medium is someone who can use their clair or psychic senses, also known as ESP, to pick up messages from different entities. These entities include angels, elementals like unicorns and fairies, spirit guides, and even loved ones who have passed on. Psychic Mediums can also talk to pets and nature spirits, like trees and plants.
Sound Waves Heal Tags
What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It
What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It
Last week in Advanced Trance 2 Class, we worked with Elementals on Clairsentience and what it means for a Medium. For 6 weeks in this intensive class, we bring forward a different being to be trance channeled each week. The list includes Elementals, Galactic, Angelic, and more. Each being helps us in some way, and the Elementals we trance channeled (let them speak messages through us) last week brought a lot forward about clairsentience and what it means for Mediums. These beings also helped increase our clairsentience during the class.
What is Clairsentience? It is our Clair for feelings (emotions) or sensing things through feelings like a pain in your hand, tenseness in your stomach, etc. Clairsentient people may also be able to sense the presence of spirits.
Helpful Ascension Guides & TAG-Lightworkers
Ascension is near. What does that mean? How near? Spirit tells me it's somewhere in the next 15 years, and also that it has...