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Tag Selected : spirit guides
Channeling Spirit: Normalizing the Way We Receive Messages from Spirit

Channeling Spirit: Normalizing the Way We Receive Messages from Spirit

What does it even mean – Channeling Spirit? This is the way your Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Source, and even your Higher Self communicate with you. Since we may not know yet which spirit is communicating with us, we may use the word “Spirit” for all spirit communication or messages we receive.

Channeling Spirit is happening all the time, often right under our noses, but many of us don’t always notice it. And that’s totally okay! Spirit communicates with us in ways we don’t always expect or recognize right away. It’s so much more than just seeing a feather on the ground or hearing the occasional “knock” in the middle of the night.

It’s so much more than clairvoyance! It is a myth that you must see very clearly to receive messages from Spirit! We are channeling Spirit in so many ways, so often.

How Ordinary People Heal in Extraordinary Ways with Trance Channeling

How Ordinary People Heal in Extraordinary Ways with Trance Channeling

How Ordinary People Heal in Extraordinary Ways

Healing is not limited to physical or emotional recovery—it can be a deeply spiritual process. For many people, spiritual healing involves connecting to something greater, whether it’s tapping into their psychic abilities, working with Reiki energy, or trance channeling healing or messages from light beings. 

Even ordinary people can achieve higher dimensionally charged healing when they align themselves with these powerful Beings of Light and practices. Healers can even take it a step further by trance channeling the healing from higher realms or higher beings of light, which will bring healing on a greater scale than what they are used to working with.

2024 Smoky Mountain Lightworker Retreat

2024 Smoky Mountain Lightworker Retreat

Did you know how powerful Silent Meditation in a Group of Higher Level Lightworkers is?

In the evening, Silent meditation with the group is going to Blow. Your. Mind. This energy uplevel is going to ignite the following channeling practice. I will begin with trance channeling messages and healing. Everyone can then optionally bring any gift they possess to the mix: Light Language, Trance Channeling, Impressions and feelings they are experiencing, and more. Wow, this sort of community lightwork sharing is going to be one of your favorite parts of this retreat!

Meeting Merlin: The Book

Meeting Merlin: The Book

THE  BOOK,  Part 2 on My Adventures with Merlin, by April Lindevald April Lindevald speaks of her Wizard's Book, the...

Whale Elemental Beings: Origin & Ascension Help

Whale Elemental Beings: Origin & Ascension Help

Bethesda speaks of their Beginnings & The Planet Bree

Rachel: So the first whale that’s come through that I’m going to trance channel, her name is Bethesda. And we’re going to start with her and we’ll see who else comes in. You never know what will happen. So let’s see. Alright. So, the first question of the 13 is where do you originate from? And I’ll let her answer…

Animal Fae Elementals Masterclass

Animal Fae Elementals Masterclass

This month, animal helpers are stepping forward. These are Elementals who are also animals in our world. They’re going to tell us a little bit more about themselves and how they get to be here, and they’re going to help us anchor into the new Earth timeline.
So these are the five I’m talking to today. We have Pompuda who is a ladybug, Sansi which is a brown owl, a seahorse named Draken, a whale named Owkada, a spider named Flo and actually a Spinosaurus named Zimpf. Let’s talk a little bit about animals who are Elementals. Today, of course, we have our five. 
We have a lot of Arctic animals— those are mainly galactic, but also Elemental. So they do have a lot of crossover. Whales, for instance, are Galactical, and they’re also Elemental. And of course, it’s a fine line of what you want to call them one way or another, such as an octopus is really a Galactical being, so that won’t be included in this month, but we could include any of the beings from the Arctic who are also Elementals, like polar bears, penguins, narwhals, or any of those beings. 
Of course, we have whales, we have dolphins, and we’ve known about them for a long time. We also have dragonflies and rhinos, and there’s going to be more coming up as the TAG team, as we call it, the mediums who are part of TAG, come forth with more and more animals to come speak with us. 

Is it Time to Upgrade your Spirit Guides?

Is it Time to Upgrade your Spirit Guides?

Upgrade your Spirit Guides?
Is it time to upgrade your Spirit Guides— or maybe one or two, so that you can have the highest version of your greatest life helpers? Did you know this can be done? Let’s talk about it a bit, and I’ll show you how to upgrade your beloved Spirit Guides for your best experience in this Earthly Life.

What Is A Spirit Guide?
As spiritual beings living a human experience, we have many high vibrational beings who help us as Spirit Guides when we choose to incarnate in this lifetime. There are Galactical Helpers, Angelic Beings, Elementals, and many more who watch over us during our lives. They help us out in certain situations in order to further our learning process— and guide us in the life lessons we set out to learn during our spiritual journey toward Ascension.