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Tag Selected : spirit guides
Channeled Messages of Hope in Transformational Times

Channeled Messages of Hope in Transformational Times

My Level 1 Trance Channel Mediumship students and I channeled messages from our Guides about the current global crisis in this video.

Most of our Guides saw hard times ahead; we should be prepared. But we were also being shown beautiful changes to the way that humans live.

A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love

A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love

Up to this point, I’ve been consistently getting the message that we are clearing up the last bit of what we need to work on for our Soul’s Purpose right now. It’s going to be a good time to work on ourselves and to spend time with our families.

Even if you and or someone in your family gets sick, you have to remember to stay in love, not fear.

That is the big question/lesson for us in this current crisis: Can we choose to stay in love and not succumb to fear?

I am a Pleiadian Starseed and I will be channeling a group of Pleiadians that often guides me to answer some of the questions we have about the COVID-19 Pandemic and the aftermath of the quarantines, the economic crisis.

What is Ascension? What is the 5th Dimension?

What is Ascension? What is the 5th Dimension?

Have you ever wondered what it means when people talk about Ascension and the change from 3D to 5D living, or the 5th Dimension?

In this video and blog post, I’ll explain what these concepts—Ascension and 5D—mean and why it’s important for you to know your Spiritual Life Purpose.

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are you Ready to be a Channel Medium?
One of the most frequent questions I get when people are interested in taking the Trance Channel Mediumship class is, “Am I ready to learn Trance Channel Mediumship?”.

If you know that you are ready for channeling and trance channeling, you can find the next sign up here!

But if you are not sure if you are ready for trance channeling yet, read on (or watch the video) …

Basically, if you are called to take the class and if you get information when you do guided meditations -like being able to interact with beings in any way to receive messages, then you are ready to take the class! That is it!