What Clairsentience Is and How Mediums Use It

What is Clairsentience?

Last week in my Advanced Trance Channeling Class, we worked with Elementals on Clairsentience and what it means for a Medium. For 6 weeks in this intensive class, we bring forward a different being to be trance-channeled each week. The list includes Elementals, Galactic, Angelic, Deities, and more.

Each being helps us in some way, and the Fae Elementals we trance channeled (let them speak messages through us) last week brought a lot forward about clairsentience and what it means for Mediums. These beings also helped increase our clairsentience during the class. (This level of Trance Channeling is now part of my Signature Accelerated Channeling Mastery Course)

Empaths and Clairsentience

This Clair is most often associated with Empaths. People who have a strong Clairsentience sense make very good Counselors and Healers. This is because they intuitively can feel into a person’s emotions, needs, and mental state.

One way Clairsentience works is in an Empathic way
—where we are feeling other’s feelings. This is part of learning to be a Medium. We learn to understand that all of the feelings we have are not our own.

For instance, you may feel despair, anxiety, or heavy energy. Suddenly, you realize the feeling you are experiencing actually belongs to someone else. If this happens, you can thank your Angels and Guides for the information! Then, ask them to please stop, unless you need it to better work with or connect with your client.

Clairsentience Pain

Another way Clairsentience works is by picking up on another person’s physical pain. Perhaps you might feel pain in your shoulder or stomach upset. This is another time when you want to thank your Guides for the information. Then you will clear it so you don’t have to feel their pain. If you are healing a client, you may feel this. If you get this type of ghost pain, you can also ask for it to be dulled. This will help you know when it’s gone, and not have to be in pain yourself.

Are you having these kinds of feelings regularly, but you do not work as a Healer or Counselor? Then this is a sign that this is something you should be doing. Healers have a strong Clairsentience sense—this may be a calling or sign.

Healers and Channels

This Clair is so important for a Medium, Counselor, or Healer (maybe you are all 3!). We can use it to feel out the situation and client we are working with. This can help to understand what kind of wording works best with this client. I find that many people react to different words and verbal or visual cues in a variety of surprising ways. Using your Clairsentience can help you avoid triggers for your clients and friends when giving messages.

Clairsentience can help you to develop appropriate listening skills. Being a great listener is a trait of an Empath and Clairsentient person. Listening well can help you understand what is below the surface with your client. You want to pick up what they are saying, not in words, but in sentiment. This helps you get to the root of the problem. With clairsentiece, you can see through any sort of avoidance that a client might be consciously or subconsciously expressing.

In this “seeing is believing” society, it can be hard to trust a Clair that is more about feeling than seeing. Clairvoyance (psychic seeing) is sometimes considered to be the most important Clair. This is because of the way we view the world—that visual proof is the only proof. But we need to trust all of our senses. This is the most important work for a Medium. We need to recognize whatever Clair manifests for us and know it is a gift and a message from Spirit. To believe in this Clair is to believe in your own ability to receive messages—not just in pictures, but in feeling and other Clairs too.

It is also important to know when to use this Clair and when to dial it back. It’s important to find a balance so that you don’t end up triggering yourself in a session with a client. It is vital to discern which feelings are yours, and which are your clients. This helps you take your feelings—and importantly your judgment—out of the equation. With this training, you can be the conduit for Spirit to help others.

Becoming in tune with the way that messages come through to you is also an important part of this work. Being able to see things might be a well-known and trusted Clair sense to work with. But Clairsentience is also an extremely important tool to use when working with clients.

If you would like to open your clairs and channeling abilities, I’d love to see you in my TAG Lightworkers membership and my Trance Channel Mediumship Courses.

#esp. #clairsentience #psychicgifts #psychicsenses


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