Have you ever wondered what it means when people talk about Ascension and the change from 3D to 5D living, or the 5th Dimension?
Watch this space for the Blog rewrite that is coming! For now, please watch the video above!
In this video and blog post, I’ll explain what these concepts—Ascension and 5D—mean from my perspective of being a Shamanic Channel and Mentor. Then I trance-channel Alpar-a-Be-am, my partner guide to tell us. Then we both answer questions.
Those who are on a spiritual journey—Lightworkers, Healers, and those whose mission is to help and serve the Earth and mankind—if you’re on your Light Path and trying to be helpful, you are evolving into the 5th Dimension and a crystalline body structure.
The 5th Dimension is a higher vibrational space. It’s very much in the vernacular these days, and I’m sure you’ve heard of this before.
We know a lot of the beings that vibrate at a high frequency or density, including:
Angels (13th Dimension+)
Deities aka Gods and Goddesses (10th Dimension)
Elementals such as Dragons, Fairies, Elves (5th-8th Dimension)
Ascended Masters
Galactical Beings of the Light
These beings talk to anyone who wishes to open their channeling but aren’t physically on this 3D plane. Learn to channel them and their messages– by starting with your Spirit Guides!
In the time we are in or the 3rd and now 4th Dimensional times, we have a hard time understanding these truths. At the present moment, our Soul Star Chakra sits about 12 inches above our heads. Not all of our full soul and memories can fit into this body, so we don’t have all of the information that our Higher Selves have. This includes information on love, relationships, spiritual knowledge, past lives, etc. When we came into this world, we took the Veil of Amnesia, so we don’t know that we have the direct help of our Spirit Guides and higher dimensional Helpers.
We chose to incarnate in an age where we have to have faith in love being all around us. As we go through Ascension, or transform to our 5th Dimension lives, we will have a much more complete view of the world. We learn to communicate with the higher dimensional spirit guide helpers who are always with us. We aren’t alone, even though we might feel like we are.
If you would like to join a group that helps you with your Ascension Symptoms and the Transformation process, you can join my TAG Lightworker mentorship group! You can find more information here: TAG Transformation and Ascension Group.
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